
Information for governments and traders

There are no fees and no charges imposed
Decree of Government 158/2010 (V.6) on measures relating to the export of agricultural and food products

Decree of Ministry of Agriculture 21/2015 (IV.30) on the animal health conditions for the transport of pet animals for non-commercial purposes

Decree of Ministry of Agriculture 44/2010 (IV.23.) on the import of products of animal origin for personal consumption

Decree of Ministry of Rural Development 141/2011 (XII.23.) on the import and increased official control of certain non-animal food and fodder

Decree of Ministry of Agriculture 82/2004. (V.11) on fruit and vegetable control

Decree of Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Finance 52/2005 (VI.4) on the import of fodder from third countries

Act 88 of 2012 on market surveillance of products

Decree of Government 66/2012 (IV.2.) on the activities to be carried out with drugs and psychotropic substances and new psychoactive substances and on the listing and amendment of the listing of these substances

Decree of Ministry of Human Resources 55/2014 (XII.30.) on substances or groups of substances classified as new psychoactive substances

Decree of Government 159/2005 (VIII. 16.) on certain official procedural rules related to drug precursors laying down official tasks and powers

Decree of Government 13/2011 (II.22.) on the licensing of foreign trade in dual-use items

Act 64 of 2001 on the Protection of the Cultural Heritage

Decree of Ministry of National Resources14/2010 (XI. 25) on the Export Licensing of Cultural Goods

Decree of Ministry of Agriculture 7/2001 (I. 17.) on detailed rules for the implementation of phytosanitary tasks

Act No 32 of 2003 on The Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, adopted on 3 March 1973, in Washington

Decree of Government 292/2008 (XII. 10.) on certain rules for the implementation of international and European Community acts regulating the international trade in endangered wild fauna and flora species

Decree of Ministry of Agriculture 53/2004 (IV.24) on veterinary checks on products to be imported into the European Union from third countries

Decree of Government 123/2009 (VI. 12.) on the detailed rules for the notification of import and export of certain dangerous substances and dangerous preparations

Decree of Ministry of Agriculture 37/2006 (V. 18.) concerning the placing on the market and control of fertilizers designated as "EC fertilizers"

Decree of Ministry of Agriculture 89/2004 (V.15) on the authorization of placing on the market and use of plant protection products and on the packaging, marking, storage and transport of plant protection products

Decree of Government 408/2016 (XII. 13.) on the prevention and management of the introduction or introduction and treatment of invasive species

Act 95 of 2005 on the modification of Regulations of the Medicines for Human Use and Other Medicinal Products

Decree of Ministry of Health, Social and Family Affairs 53/2004 (VI.2) on Wholesale and Parallel Import Activities with Medicines

Decree of Government 14/2015 on the conditions for carrying out activities related to fluorinated greenhouse gases and ozone depleting substances

Act No 55 of 1996 on Wildlife Conservation, Wildlife Management and Hunting

25-35 paragraph of Act 13 of 2016 on the implementation of union customs law 4-6 paragraph of the Decree of Ministry for National Economy 11/2016 (IV. 29.) on the detailed rules on the implementation of union customs law

Chapter VII of Act 140 of 2004 on the General Rules of Administrative Proceedings and Services

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The content and analytical functionalities of the WTO TFA Database are based solely on notification data submitted by Members as mandated under the Trade Facilitation Agreement.

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