Timelines for notifications

22 February 2017

The TFA enters into force

The WTO obtains the two-thirds acceptance from its 164 Members

Developing Members

  • Notify designations of categories AB and/or C
  • Provide indicative implementation dates for category B and category C designations
  • Provide TACB requirements for category C designations

22 February 2018

Developing Members

  • Provide definitive dates for category B designations
  • Provide information on arrangements entered with Donors on TACB for category C designations

Least-developed Countries

  • Notify designations of categories AB and/or C
  • May notify indicative implementation dates for category B designations

Donor Members

  • Provide information on arrangements entered with developing Members on TACB for category C designations

22 February 2019

Least-developed Countries

  • Provide TACB requirements for category C designations

22 August 2019

Developing Members

  • Provide definitive implementation dates for category C designations
  • Inform of progress in TACB provision for category C designations

Donor Members

  • Inform of progress in TACB provision for category C designations of developing Members

22 February 2020

Least-developed Countries

  • Provide definitive dates for category B designations

22 February 2021

Least-developed Members

  • Provide indicative dates for category C designations
  • Provide information on arrangements entered with Donors on TACB for category C designations

Donor Members

  • Provide information on arrangements entered with LDCs on TACB for category designations

22 August 2022

Least-developed Countries

  • Provide definitive dates for category C designations
  • Inform of progress in TACB provision for category C designations

Donor Members

  • Inform of progress in TACB provision for category C designations of LDCs

About the TFA Database

The content and analytical functionalities of the WTO TFA Database are based solely on notification data submitted by Members as mandated under the Trade Facilitation Agreement.

© TFAD 2025 - version 4.