
Operation of the single window

The Jamaica Single Window for Trade (JSWIFT) is an electronic platform which uses the Automated System for Custom Data (ASYCUDA) World technology. JSWIFT began implementation in 2018 and since June 2020 traders and their representatives have been using the system to make applications related to Licenses, Permits, Certificates and Other documents (LPCOs) to meet import, export, and transit requirements, including electronic payment for services, without having to visit relevant agencies.

The system allows traders and their representatives, such as approved customs brokers to register and access on-line services related to the application, payment and receival of LPCOs for international trading purposes. This involves submitting required documentation and/or data to the JSWIFT single-entry point to the participating agencies where the agencies process these applications, notify applicants and deliver services through the JSWIFT platform in a timely and efficient manner.

The system, which is being implemented on a phased basis, is fully operational for LPCOs for the Trade Board Limited and the Plant Quarantine Product Inspect Brach (PQPIB) of the Ministry of Agriculture which are the main Government Agency for the granting of LPCOs, inclusive of certificate of origins and plant and animal agricultural products respectively.

The platform can be access at the website https://www.jswift.gov.jm/ and the associated E learning portal can be access at https://www.learning.jswift.gov.jm/

The Jamaica Customs Agency (JCA) is the implementing Agency and Operator of the JSWIFT system for the Government of Jamaica and collaborates with other cross-border regulatory agencies for this initiative.

The system is being extended to include other government agencies within the next two (2) years.

About the TFA Database

The content and analytical functionalities of the WTO TFA Database are based solely on notification data submitted by Members as mandated under the Trade Facilitation Agreement.

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