
Use of customs brokers

Notification of measures on the use of customs brokers. Any subsequent modifications thereof should equally be notified.

According to Customs Act 2007 and Custom Regulations 2007, the importers or exporters can clear their goods themselves from the custom.

Customs Act, 2007 ad/documents/Customs%20Act,% 202007_2017-03-30-13-47-34.pdf
If any exporter or importer wishes to get the goods to be exported or imported cleared not by himself or herself but through a customs agent or to do any act related with the Customs Office not by himself or herself but through customs agent, such exporter or importer may appoint his or her customs agent as prescribed.

Customs Regulations, 2007 ad/documents/Customs%20Regul ation,%202007_2017-03-30-1347-51.pdf
In case the exporter or importer would like to clear the goods or do some other customs related function through the customs agent, the exporter or importer may appoint the customs agent in the format as prescribed in the Schedule 7.

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