Extension of implementation dates

Early Warning Mechanism:  extension of implementation dates for provisions in categories B and C 

Article 17 of the TFA states that developing and LDC Members experiencing difficulties in implementing a provision by its definitive date already notified, can request an extension if complying with the following requirements:

Timely notificationSubmission of required informationTerms and conditions for successful requests
  • Developing Members to submit the request no later than 120 days before the expiration of the original implementation date
  • LDCs to submit the request no later than 90 days before the expiration of the original implementation date
  • Indication of requested new implementation date
  • Indication of the reasons for the expected delay in implementation
  • If the requested additional time does not exceed 18 months (for developing countries) or 3 years (for LDCs) – the requesting Member is entitled to such additional time without any further action by the Committee 
  • If the requested time exceeds those limits or in case of a second or subsequent request, the TF Committee needs to decide whether to grant the request. 
Requests for extension of time
No. of Members that have requested extension of time of already notified definitive dates 45
No. of Members that have shifted categories with extended definitive dates 9
No. of extension requests received (per measure) 303
No. of extension requests approved with requested date (per measure) 204
No. of extension requests approved with new date (per measure) 36
No. of extension requests pending (per measure) 5
No. of extension requests not approved (per measure) 58

About the TFA Database

The content and analytical functionalities of the WTO TFA Database are based solely on notification data submitted by Members as mandated under the Trade Facilitation Agreement.

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