WTO government officials

What information can you access on this platform?

What are the notification requirements for WTO Members? Who needs to notify what, by when and how?

In this page you will find a summary of the notification requirements of all WTO Members under the Trade Facilitation Agreement.  

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Notification analysis and templates

Access a notification dashboard to search for notification documents, explore the status of notification  and download  notification templates.

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Analysis of implementation status

In this page, you will find an analysis of the rate of TFA implementation commitments by all WTO Members to date and over time. Collectively, these commitments provide a roadmap of when the TFA can be expected to be fully implemented by the entire membership. 

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Analysis of ratification status 

The TFA entered into force on 22 February 2017 when the WTO obtained the two-thirds acceptance from its 164 Members.  In this page you will find the latest information on the TFA ratification status including the list of Members that have presented ratifications to date.   

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Member profiles  

In these pages you will find dedicated profiles to access information of an individual WTO Member in depth, such as:

  • all official notification documents
  • detailed stats on notification, ratification and implementation status
  • user-friendly access to publication of information for governments and traders that is required to be notified under the TFA

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Measure profiles

The measure profiles will provide you with a detailed analysis and notification status of each of the 36 TFA Measures.  

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In the resources tab, you will find the full explanation of the methodology used to calculate all the statistics presented in this database.  In addition, there are pages with information on how to present notifications and how to present the instrument of ratification amongst others.  

About the TFA Database

The content and analytical functionalities of the WTO TFA Database are based solely on notification data submitted by Members as mandated under the Trade Facilitation Agreement.

© TFAD 2025 - version 4.