Notification requirements for WTO Members: who needs to notify what, by when and how?

Section I - Transparency notifications

In broad terms, the TFA states that WTO Members shall publish information online on import and export procedures while within available resources, establishing contact points to respond to enquiries. The information is available on each Member profile of this website and on a dedicated page for traders

A notification template that Members may wish to follow in preparing their transparency notification can be downloaded here

Type Description
Art. 1.4 import, export and transit procedures
Art. 10.4.3 the operation of the single window
Art. 10.6.2 the use of customs brokers
Art. 12.2 contact points for the exchange of customs information

Section II – Implementation notifications (categories A, B, C)

To benefit from special and differential treatment, developing and LDC Members must notify when they will implement each trade facilitation measure using A, B and C categories:

CATEGORY A  = developing Members will implement the measure by 22/02/2017 and LDCs by 22/02/2018

CATEGORY B  = Members will need additional time to implement the measure

CATEGORY C  = Members will need additional time and capacity building support to implement the measure 

 A notification template that Members may wish to follow in preparing their category A, B or C notification is available here

Besides the notification of categories A, B and C designations, the TFA sets out different timelines for the notification of indicative and definitive dates for implementation of categories B and C commitments as well as the technical assistance required for the implementation of category C commitments.  

 The TFA sets out the following timelines for these notifications: 

Notification requirementDue dates for
developing members

Due dates
for LDCs

ABC designations
Category B Indicative Dates22/02/201722/02/2021
Category C Indicative Dates22/02/201722/02/2021
Category B Definitive Dates22/02/201822/02/2020
Category C Definitive Dates22/08/201922/08/2022
Category C technical assistance requirements22/02/201722/02/2019
Donor arrangements for the provision of technical assistance22/02/201822/02/2021
Progress in the provision of technical assistance22/08/201922/08/2022

View timeline

Section II – Information on assistance and capacity building

Donor Members have committed to submit  information on the assistance and support for capacity building (TACB) that was disbursed - and where available that is committed - to the Committee on Trade Facilitation. They are also to submit different contact points and information on the process and mechanism for requesting assistance. 

Developing and LDCs seeking assistance and support for capacity building have committed to submit to the Committee on Trade Facilitation contact points for coordinating such assistance. 

Type Description
Art. 22.1 support for capacity building provided by Donor Members
Art. 22.2 process and mechanisms to request assistance
Art. 22.3 contact points of those developing and LDCs seeking assistance and support for capacity building

About the TFA Database

The content and analytical functionalities of the WTO TFA Database are based solely on notification data submitted by Members as mandated under the Trade Facilitation Agreement.

© TFAD 2025 - version 4.