Global status of notifications

This page contains the global status of the implementation notifications (categories A, B and C) according to each notification requirement.

Notification requirement Overall Developing LDCs
ABC designations View all 22/02/2017 22/02/2018
Number of developing and LDC Members 125 90 35
Members that have presented ALL designations 121 97% 89 99% 32 91%
Members that have NOT presented ANY designations 4 4% 1 2% 3 9%
Members that have presented SOME designations 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Category B Indicative Dates View all 22/02/2017 22/02/2018
Number of Members that have presented Cat. B commitments 104 74 30
Members that have presented ALL dates 103 99% 73 99% 30 100%
Members that have NOT yet presented ANY dates 1 1% 1 1% 0 0%
Members that have presented SOME dates 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Category C Indicative Dates View all 22/02/2017 22/02/2021
Number of Members that have presented Cat. C commitments 95 63 32
Members that have presented ALL dates 95 100% 63 100% 32 100%
Members that have NOT yet presented ANY dates 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Members that have presented SOME dates 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Category C Technical Assistance Requirements View all 22/02/2017 22/02/2019
Number of Members that have presented Cat. C commitments 95 63 32
Members that have presented ALL technical assistance requirements 91 96% 61 97% 30 94%
Members that have NOT yet presented ANY technical assistance requirements 1 1% 0 0% 1 3%
Members that have presented SOME technical assistance requirements 3 3% 2 3% 1 3%
Arrangements with Donors View all 22/02/2018 22/02/2021
Number of Members that have notified Cat. C commitments 95 63 32
Members that have notified arrangements 39 41% 22 35% 17 53%
Members that have NOT yet notified arrangements 56 59% 41 65% 15 47%
Progress in the provision of TACB View all 22/08/2019 22/08/2022
Number of Members that have notified Cat. C commitments 95 63 32
Members that have notified progress 39 41% 22 35% 17 53%
Members that have NOT yet notified progress 56 59% 41 65% 15 47%
Category B Definitive Dates View all 22/02/2018 22/02/2020
Number of Members that have presented Cat. B commitments 104 74 30
Members that have presented ALL dates 103 99% 73 99% 30 100%
Members that have NOT yet presented ANY dates 1 1% 1 1% 0 0%
Members that have presented SOME dates 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Category C Definitive Dates View all 22/08/2019 22/08/2022
Number of Members that have presented Cat. C commitments 95 63 32
Members that have presented ALL dates 91 96% 61 97% 30 94%
Members that have NOT yet presented ANY dates 4 4% 2 3% 2 6%
Members that have presented SOME dates 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Category shifts View all
Members that have shifted categories from B to C 21 22% 9 19% 12 38%
Members that have shifted categories from C to B 27 25% 17 23% 10 31%
Members that have shifted categories with extended definitive dates 7 7% 7 11% 0 0%
Extension of implementation dates View all
No. of Members that have requested extension of time of already notified definitive dates 39 41% 34 54% 5 16%
Members that have shifted categories with extended definitive dates 7 7% 7 11% 0 0%
Extension of time to notify Category TA definitive dates View all

A,B,C categorization by Member

A,B,C categorization by measure

Visual analytics

Notifications by date and symbol

About the TFA Database

The content and analytical functionalities of the WTO TFA Database are based solely on notification data submitted by Members as mandated under the Trade Facilitation Agreement.

© TFAD 2024 - version 4.