Articles |
View measure text |
Indicative date of implementation | 31 December 2024 |
Definitive date of implementation | 31 December 2029 |
Deadline for extension request, if required | 2 October 2029 |
Assistance required for implementation |
• Mettre en place le guichet unique et lui doter de moyens en vue de raccourcir les délais des formalités d'importation et d'exportation des produits • Renforcer les capacités du personnel chargé de faire fonctionner le guichet unique une fois mise en place • Equiper les bureaux des postes frontaliers du matériel informatique • Assurer l'inter- connectivité des postes transfrontaliers d'un internet à haut débit • Construire des bureaux à arrêt unique sur toutes les frontières • Former continuellement le personnel |
Donor / Agency |
TradeMark Africa, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development |
Progress reported |
22 February 2021 — G/TFA/N/BDI/2Initiatives for the establishment of the single window have been launched with support from UNCTAD.The country has one-stop border posts at Kobero/Kabanga, Gasenyi/Nemba and Ruhwa and is seeking to ensure the interconnectivity of other border posts so as to reduce the time required for formalities for the import and export of products. Technical assistance and capacity building support needs include: - Establishment of the single window, providing it with the means to reduce the time required for formalities for the import and export of products - Capacity building for staff responsible for running the single window once implemented - Provision of IT equipment for border post offices - Ensuring interconnectivity among cross-border posts through broadband internet - Construction of one-stop offices at all borders - Ongoing training of staff |