
8 - Border Agency Cooperation

Articles 8.18.2 (a), (b), (c), (d), (e)
View measure text
Indicative date of implementation 31 December 2024
Definitive date of implementation 31 December 2029
Deadline for extension request, if required 2 October 2029
Assistance required for implementation • Renforcer la coopération entre les organismes présents aux frontières
• Réhabiliter et construire les bureaux de douane sur toutes les frontières et les équiper
• Renforcer la collecte et le traitement des données statistiques pour préparer une base de données informatisées sur tous les frontières du pays
• Assurer le suivi et une sensibilisation régulière pour accélérer le mouvement des marchandises

Tags: Information and communication technologies (ICT), Infrastructure and equipment, Institutional procedures

Donor / Agency

TradeMark Africa, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

Progress reported
22 February 2021 — G/TFA/N/BDI/2  
There is strong cooperation among border agencies.

Technical assistance and capacity building support needs include:

- Strengthening of border agency cooperation
- Renovation, construction and equipment of customs offices at all borders
- Enhancement of the collection and processing of statistical data, in order to prepare a computerized database on all of the country's borders
- Monitoring and regular outreach to speed up the movement of goods

About the TFA Database

The content and analytical functionalities of the WTO TFA Database are based solely on notification data submitted by Members as mandated under the Trade Facilitation Agreement.

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