Global status of notifications

Overall Developing LDCs Developed
1.4 - Import, export and transit procedures
Members that have notified ALL article items 115 70% 64 71% 12 34% 39 100%
Members that have notified NONE 42 26% 21 23% 21 60% 0 0%
Members that have notified SOME article items 7 4% 5 6% 2 6% 0 0%
10.4.3 - Operation of the single window
Members that have notified 100 61% 52 58% 9 26% 39 100%
Members that have NOT yet notified 64 39% 38 42% 26 74% 0 0%
10.6.2 - Use of customs brokers
Members that have notified 131 80% 77 86% 15 43% 39 100%
Members that have NOT yet notified 33 20% 13 14% 20 57% 0 0%
12.2 - Contact points for customs cooperation
Members that have notified 124 76% 74 82% 11 31% 39 100%
Members that have NOT yet notified 40 24% 16 18% 24 69% 0 0%

Notifications by Member

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Notifications by date and symbol

About the TFA Database

The content and analytical functionalities of the WTO TFA Database are based solely on notification data submitted by Members as mandated under the Trade Facilitation Agreement.

© TFAD 2024 - version 4.