Moldova, República de

Publicación de información para los gobiernos y los comerciantes

Customs CODE of the Republic of Moldova No. 1149-XIV/20.07.2000, MO 160-162/1201 of 23.12.2000

Specifies all procedures for importation, exportation, and transit (including port, airport, and other entry-point procedures), and required forms and documents
Customs procedures

Contains information in English related to all import/export/transit procedures including required certificates and RoRs
Online border traffic at all Moldova's customs posts

Updated each minute, live track of traffic at the customs borders
National Agency for Food Safety, procedures for obtaining export and import SPS certificates, models of all necessary certificates

Import/Export procedures to obtain the necessary SPS related certificates
General overview

General info, including in English
Tariff Analysis Online facility provided by the WTO

WTO tariffs updated annually
IDB by the WTO

The Republic of Moldova also regularly submits tariff data to the WTO Integrated Data Base (IDB)
Law Approving the Combined Nomenclature of Goods (No. 172 of 25 July 2014) (contains all tariffs applied)

Merges all regulations related to duties and taxes in a single instrument. Goods imported into the Republic of Moldova may be subject to customs tariffs, VAT, and excise duties. The tariff is relatively simple, although non-ad valorem lines (specific, compound, and other) represent 4.5% of the total
Integrated Customs Tariff of the Republic of Moldova (TARIM)

Contains all applied tariffs of the Republic of Moldova (including preferential trade agreements) as well as VAT and excise duty
Duties and excises

Contains all excises applied in the RM
Customs Administration fees

Customs CODE of the Republic of Moldova No. 1149-XIV/20.07.2000, MO 160-162/1201 of 23.12.2000 includes all customs administration fees
Fiscal service of the Republic of Moldova

Internal tax on environment pollution, all necessary forms needed to be completed
Customs valuation/legal framework

Contains legal framework to be applied for custom valuation
Customs CODE of the Republic of Moldova No. 1149-XIV/20.07.2000, MO 160-162/1201 of 23.12.2001

Rules for the classification or valuation of products for customs purposes
Agreement on Implementation of Article VII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994, WTO

Customs valuation GATT
Rules of origin including models of certificates (EUR1., CT1 etc.)

Models of certificates
Preferential (Free trade agreements: DCFTA with EU, CEFTA, CIS, FTA with Turkey)

Includes models of necessary certificates from each destination
Restrictions or prohibitions applied at the international level

According to the art. 18 (1) of Law no. 25 of 4 March 2016 related to use of international restrictive measures, Official Gazzet of the Republic of Moldova, nr. 140-149/289 of 27.05.2016), The Ministry of foreign affairs and European integration, keeps track of all international restrictive measures necessary to apply in a mandatory way (which are into force), including those to which Moldova allied or those which Moldova applied based on its own decision
All restrictions applied with the purpose of environment protection, security, human health and other related purposes (mentioned in details on the customs site including all the legislative acts)

Law on the regime of weapons and ammunition for civil use no. 130 of 08.06.2012, art. 5 par. (7) pt. h);
Law on plant protection and phytosanitary quarantine no. 228 of 23.09.2010, art. 23 par. (1) and (4);
Atmospheric Air Protection Law no. 1422-XIII of 17.12.97 (Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova no.44-46/312 of 21.05.1998).
List of Prohibited Construction Products and Chemicals, Government Decision no. 414 of 08.04.2016 for the approval of the Regulation on the reduction of the sulphur content of certain liquid fuels/OG 100-105/467, 15.04.2016;
Law No. 852 of 14 February 2002 for the approval of the Regulation on the Commercial Regime and Regulation for the Use of Halogenated Hydrocarbons Depleting the Ozone Layer, OG 54-55 / 383, 18.04.2002;
Law no.1422-XIII of 17 December 1997 on the protection of atmospheric air (Official Gazette (OG) of the Republic of Moldova, 1998, no.44-46, art.312);
Law no. 132 of 08.06.2012 on safety of nuclear and radiological activities, OG 229-233/02.11.2012;
Government Decision no. 556 dated 05.05.2016 regarding the ban on imports of fishing nets made of non-wired polymeric wires (Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova no.128-133 / 612 of 13.05.2016);
Law no. 78 of 18.03.2004 on food products, OG 431/ 28.05.2004;
Law no. 119 of 22.06.2004 on plant protection products and fertilizers, OG 100-103/ 25.06.2006;
Law no. 119 of 22.06.2004 on plant protection products and fertilizers, OG 100-103/ 25.06.2006;
Government Decision no. 427 from 07.06.2001 on the import and trade of used personal goods, OG 62/ 09.06.2001;
Law no. 209 of 29.07.2016 on Waste, OG 459-471/916, 23.12.2016;
Law no. 1515 of 16.06.1993 on the protection of the environment, OG 10/ 01.10.1993;
Customs Code of the Republic of Moldova no. 1149-XIV/ 20.07.2000, OG 160-162/ 1201 of 23.12.2000
Custom's Code, Penal Provisions

Penalties are specified in the Customs Code, penal provisions, as well as in other relevant acts. These are also referring to IPRs and enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights through Border Measures



Tel: +373 22 574 111

Appeals may be directed to the Customs Services, as well as according to the national legislation, to the ordinary judicial systems procedures. Information on appeals, on review procedures and decisions taken are all published by the appellate bodies (depending of the region there are several sites for finding the decision)
Information published on appeals, on review procedures and decisions taken

Official site
Information published on appeals, on review procedures and decisions taken

Information on appeals, on review procedures and decisions taken are all published by the appellate bodies (depending of the region there are several sites for finding the decision). All the decisions are published including those of the Supreme Court of Justice (representing the final stage of a judicial process in RM)
Free Trade Agreements (DCFTA with EU, CIS, CEFTA, FTA with Turkey)

Contains general information, as well as specific, including texts of the Agreements
Various, including Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) offered by Canada, EU, Japan, Norway, Switzerland, Turkey, and the United States

Factual presentations on DCFTA with EU and Factual Presentation policy A RM-Turkey prepared by WTO Secretariat, Trade policy review of the Republic of Moldova prepared by WTO Secretariat and Moldovan Government
Legal basis for Tariff Quotas (WTO and Customs Code of Moldova)

Certification of Modification and Rectification to schedule CLI – Republic of Moldova reference number WLI/100 din 29 September 2009

The information of all TRQs is updated every 2 minutes (live)

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