
Publicación de información para los gobiernos y los comerciantes

Articles 92 and 93 of the Polish Act Customs Law Journal of Laws 2021, item 1856, as amended


Explanatory website in English


Certain goods are subject to special control or restrictions on import, export or transit (sanitary or phytosanitary measures, environment protection requirements, IP protection, etc.).




Such products are: animals and plants, foods, medicines, narcotic substances and their precursors, endangered spices of wild flora and fauna, arms, dual-use items, cultural goods and chemicals, etc.

Military goods

http://English site: https://www.podatki.gov...

Dual-use goods

http://English site: https://www.podatki.gov...

General: Chapter 7 of Penal Fiscal Code (Journal of Laws 2016, item 2137, as amended)


Journal of Laws 2021, item 408, as amended

Strategic goods: Article 33 of Act of 29 November 2000 on foreign trade in goods, technologies and services of strategic importance to national security, as well as the maintenance of national peace and security.as well as the maintenance of national peac


Journal of law 2020, item 509

Article 73 of Polish Act Customs Law (Journal of Laws 2016, item 1880, as amended)


(Journal of Laws 2021, item 1856, as amended)

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