Comité de Facilitación del Comercio

25 junio 2019

At the session held on 25 June 2019, Amb. Mohammad Qurban HAQJOA (Afghanistan) was elected as the new chair of the Trade Facilitation Committee.  A number of delegations delivered experiences with the implementation of Art. 1.4 - Publication and Art. 23.2 National Trade Facilitation Committees.  

Members discussed the implementation of the Agreement, analysed progress made and highlighted remaining work to be done, with some drawing attention to upcoming notification deadlines, related challenges and available support.  They also agreed on rules of procedures for the Committee based on a proposal by Argentina, Japan, Norway and Paraguay.  

Agenda de la reunión

Aún no disponible

Minutas de la reunión

Intercambio de experiencias y otras presentaciones

WTO Secretariat

WTO - World Trade Organization

25 junio 2019

Status of ratification and notification process (Nora Neufeld)

Other Information-Sharing

STDF - Standards and Trade Development Facility

25 junio 2019

Driving safe trade solutions worldwide: STDF’s role (Marlynne Hopper)

Recent and upcoming activities

GATF - Alianza mundial para la facilitació del comercio

25 junio 2019

Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation (Philippe Isler)

Trade Facilitation Agreement Facility - TFAF

25 junio 2019

Trade Facilitation Agreement Facility (TFAF) update (Sheri Rosenow)

Ver todos los intercambios de experiencias

About the TFA Database

The content and analytical functionalities of the WTO TFA Database are based solely on notification data submitted by Members as mandated under the Trade Facilitation Agreement.

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