Articles |
1.1.1 (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j)
View measure text |
Indicative date of implementation | 31 December 2023 |
Definitive date of implementation | 31 December 2026 |
Deadline for extension request, if required | 2 October 2026 |
Assistance required for implementation |
• Mettre en place un cadre légal et organisationnel pour la supervision de l’entretien de l’information • Mettre en place un bureau unique chargé de collecter, centraliser et diffuser les informations en rapport avec le commerce • Formation du personnel du dit bureau dans le domaine de l’information et de la communication • Traduction des textes de lois publiées en Kirundi, Français et en Anglais |
Donor / Agency |
International Trade Centre, Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, European Union Donor to be determined for certain other publication-related needs |
Progress reported |
22 February 2021 — G/TFA/N/BDI/2All adopted legislation is published on the Government's website. The country regularly publishes information on the websites of the Burundi Revenue Office (OBR), the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry responsible for trade. The information is published in a non-discriminatory manner.A trade information portal is currently being set up under the regional EU-EAC-MARKUP project financed by the European Union. The ITC is responsible for its implementation. Technical assistance and capacity building support needs include: - Establishment of a legal and organizational framework to supervise the maintenance of information - Establishment of a single office responsible for collecting, centralizing and disseminating trade-related information - Training of staff from the above-mentioned office on information and communication - Translation of legislation published in Kirundi, French and English |