Union européenne

Process and mechanisms for requesting assistance

General enquiries:
DG TRADE – Unit F1; email: TRADE-TF-ASSISTANCE@ec.europa.eu

Specific enquiries:

Enquiries about specific support should be addressed to the EU delegation in the developing country concerned, or to the competent EU regional delegation in the case of regional assistance. The list of EU delegations and their contact details are available online: https://eeas.europa.eu/headquarters/headquarters-homepage/area/geo_en

Multidonor assistance:

Trade Facilitation Support Programme

WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement Facility

Enhanced Integrated Framework

Contact Points

General enquiries

DG Trade

E-Mail: TRADE-TF-ASSISTANCE@ec.europa.eu

Enquiries about specific support should be addressed to the EU delegation in the developing country concerned, or to the competent EU regional delegation in the case of regional assistance.

EU delegations and their contact details

