
Fonctionnement du guichet unique

The National Single Window (NSW) has been implementing to allow traders to submit electronic license/permit/certificate/others (e-LPCO) for import/export since July 2019. NSW is connected to customs clearance system ASYCUDA, which has operated since 2008. The initial implementation phase has been covered among five inter-ministerial agencies including General Department of Customs and Excise (GDCE), Ministry of Commerce (MOC), Council Development of Cambodia (CDC), Ministry of Health (MOH), and Ministry of Industry and Handicrafts (MIH). NSW is looking forward to improving the existing system and expanding to Other Regulatory Government Agencies.

Moreover, Cambodia has implemented ASEAN Single Window (ASW) for exchanging electronic documents with ASEAN Member states including Certificate of Origin e-Form D since July 2019 and ASEAN Customs Declaration Document (ACDD) since December 2020.

Detailed information can be found at:
