Trade Facilitation Committee - Informal meeting

30 septembre 2020

The Committee on Trade Facilitation held an informal meeting on 30 September to share the experience with regards to the measures adopted in response to the COVID-19 situation and to prepare for the formal meeting of 20-21 October and the Dedicated Session on Technical Assistance which will follow on 22 October.  

Agenda de la réunion

Experience Sharing and other presentations

Members' Experience-Sharing

Other Information-Sharing

ITC - Centre du Commerce International

30 septembre 2020

ITC - Coping with COVID-19 through trade facilitation

WB - Banque mondiale

30 septembre 2020

World Bank - WB response to Covid-19 crisis

OMD - Organisation mondiale des Duanes

30 septembre 2020

WCO - What Customs can do to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic

GATF - Alliance mondiale pour la facilitation des échanges

30 septembre 2020

Global Alliance - Covid impact on Trade Facilitation

CNUCED - Conférence des Nations Unies sur le commerce et le développement

30 septembre 2020

UNCTAD - Easing global trade and transport during COVID-19

View all experience sharing