Trade Facilitation Committee

3 mars 2021

The WTO Committee on Trade Facilitation on 3 March adopted a roadmap for the first ever review of progress made in implementing the Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA). Under the Agreement, Members committed to review the operation and implementation of the TFA four years from its entry into force, which was on 22 February 2017, and periodically thereafter.


Agenda de la réunion

Meeting Minutes

Experience Sharing and other presentations

WTO Secretariat

WTO - World Trade Organization

3 mars 2021

Presentation (Dolores Halloran)

Members' Experience-Sharing


3 mars 2021

Time release study

Other Information-Sharing

CNUCED - Conférence des Nations Unies sur le commerce et le développement

3 mars 2021

UNCTAD tools for NTFCs

WCO - World Customs Organization

3 mars 2021

WCO presentation on Covid-19 related measures

Recent and upcoming activities

Trade Facilitation Agreement Facility - TFAF

3 mars 2021

TFAF report (Sheri Rosenow)

View all experience sharing