Unión Europea

Apoyo para la creación de capacidad prestado por Miembros donantes

Período Descripción de la asistencia Cuantía comprometida Cuantía desembolsada Beneficiario Organismo encargado Procedimientos
2020-2025 Border Management in Central Asia and Afghanistan - Phase 10 (BOMCA 10). Harmonisation of institutional, technical and legislative practices related to the facilitation of legitimate trade flows across borders; improvement of electronic submission and processing of documents for import, export and transit, support the establishment of electronic data interchange systems, upgrading resources management and support improvement of operational practices, training, and skills of Customs, Veterinary and Phytosanitary staff, smoother customs regulations.

EUR 21750000

Afganistán Central Asia State Border Guard of the Republic of Latvia .
2020-2025 TRANSPORT GOVERNANCE. The overall goal of the program is to contribute to the emergence of a regional system of long-term, efficient and safe road transport, as a factor of development of stability and regional integration. The specific objective of the project is to develop institutional and regulatory capacities to continue strengthening the management capacities of Governments and related agencies, to guide the implementation of administrative and technical aspects of transport facilitation, and improve maintenance of the regional network and its sustainability by the cessation of overloading. The project will also support road safety and the emergence of a regional strategy to improve sectoral governance in road transport politically and economically in a realistic manner, common to ECOWAS and WAEMU, thereby promoting harmonisation and synchronisation of national policies.

EUR 4400000

ECOWAS ECOWAS, WAEMU + National components for all 15 ECOWAS countries
2021-2025 IMPACT. Output 1.1 – Trade facilitation and border/customs procedures are improved.

EUR 10000000

Pacífico UNCTAD
2021-2025 Strengthening Pacific Intra-Regional and International Trade - SPIRIT (419-323). Output 1.3 of PRISE – Capacity for regional aid-for-trade projects is strengthened.

EUR 5750000

Pacífico Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS)
2021-2025 Pacific Regional Integration Support Programme - PRISE (039-655). • Output 1.1 – Trade facilitation and border/customs procedures are improved; • Output 1.2 – Sanitary and Phytosanitary services are improved; and • Output 1.3 – Capacity for regional aid-for-trade projects is strengthened; • Output 2.1 – Measures to strengthen the business enabling environment and investment climate gender-responsively supported; and Output 2.2 – Improved climate-smart business support services; Output 2.3 – Strengthened competitiveness of sustainable agricultural value-chains in the Pacific;

EUR 37000000

Pacífico Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS), UNCTAD, SPC, ADB
2020-2025 Strengthening the Agriculture and Agri-Food Value Chain and Improving trade policy in Iraq. The project includes one component (out of four) specifically dedictaed to improving Iraq's trade policy in view of a potential future WTO accession. Accession to the WTO is a trade priority for Iraq in supporting its economic development and integration into the global trading system. However, the negotiation process towards WTO membership, together with the domestic reform process, requires not only the dedicated role of the Iraq Government decision-makers, but also the attention and commitment of the private sector and society as a whole. In other accessions, stakeholder confidence, especially among the private sector, has proven to be a necessary ingredient for governments to negotiate and conclude their bids for WTO membership. This trade/WTO component of the project foresees activities grouped under five expected results: o Sub-ER 4.1 Informed drafting of the documentations/negotiating positions required for the accession process (based on demand) o Sub-ER 4.2 Enhanced capacity for the development of specific sectoral laws and regulations to align Iraq’s national trade policy with the requirements for WTO membership o Sub-ER 4.3. Increased policy makers’ understanding of the WTO accession process and legal framework o Sub-ER 4.4. National institutional capacity strengthened for SPS/TBT & Trade Facilitation Compliance in line with WTO obligations

USD 4227000

Iraq International Trade Centre
2020-2025 Facilitating the Process of Uzbekistan's Accession to the WTO. One component of the proejct is specifically dedicated to spport the establishment/strenghthening of the National Trade Faciliation Committee in Uzbekistan which is one of the requirements (Artcile 23) provided in the WTO Agreement on Trade Facilitation (TFA). One of the NTFC’s first tasks will be to review and agree upon the Categorization of the trade facilitation measures (as per the TFA nomenclature) for Uzbekistan. The Project may also contribute to support the review/development of the Trade Facilitation related legislative/regulatory framework in line with the requirements of the WTO TFA. These activities will be implemented in collaboration with R4TCA Project (see below).

EUR 4750000

Uzbekistan International Trade Centre (ITC)
2020-2025 ASEAN Regional Integration Support – Philippines Trade-Related Technical Assistance (ARISE Plus – Philippines). The programme comprises 5 outputs, including "Output 4: Strengthened trade facilitation capacity to implement the Customs Modernisation and Tariffs Act (CMTA) and the World Trade Organisation (WTO) Trade Facilitation Agreement".

EUR 6400000

Filipinas Selection ongoing
2019-2024 Support to Port authorities for modernization of custom duty procedures (TA component 1.5 M EUR)

EUR 29980000

2019-2024 Support to the Improvement of MSME Competitiveness and the Business Environment in Paraguay (DCI-LA/2018/39062) One of the three components of the programme is to address an improved environment for doing business, trade and investment in Paraguay. The programme assists the Ministry of Industry (MIC) in setting up a coordination mechanism with donors. In particular, support to the Paraguayan government is provided to implement priority measures under the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement (notified Category C provisions), by improving regulations, processes and costs of trading across borders.

EUR 12594444

Paraguay The World Bank and United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
2019-2024 ASEAN Regional Integration Support - Cambodia Trade-Related Assistance (ARISE Plus Cambodia). ARISE+ Cambodia is working with the National Committee of Trade Facilitation(NCTF), and in cooperation with other donors, on a roadmap on the implementation of TFA commitments.

EUR 6400000

Filipinas GIZ
2021-2024 ARISE plus Malaysia. Output 1: Strengthened institutional capacities to formulate and implement trade policies aligned with ASEAN and international commitments Output 2: Enhanced capacity to develop and implement a quality infrastructure system (standards, certification and metrology) compliant with ASEAN and EU commitments and practices Output 3: Enhanced understanding and implementation of sustainable production standards and practices in agriculture and fisheries

EUR 3000000

Malasia International Trade Centre
2020-2023 Ready4Trade Central Asia. Address key regulatory and procedural obstacles to international trade; Improve SME capacities to comply with cross-border requirements; Improve readiness of Central Asian countries for conducting cross-border e-commerce. COVID REORIENTATION RESPONSE / COVID APPROVAL FAST TRACK: Regional seminars on eliminating non-tariff barriers to trade and improving trade facilitation in the region.

EUR 15000000

Central Asia International Trade Centre (ITC)
2018-2023 ARISE+ regional programme. "1.Support to the implementation of the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement, particularly in the development of the ASEAN Trade Repository (ATR) and the NationalTrade Repositories (NTRs) 2) Identification, classification and notification of NTMs to be be uploaded in NTRs of each Member State 3) Assist AMSs to implement ASEAN-wide self-certification of product origin scheme 4) Institutional support to the Coordinating Committee for the implementation of ATIGA (CCA) and to SEOM to address transparency issues 5) Assist ASEC and CCA in the operationalization and management of ASSIST, including support to ASEAN and AMSs to address issues raised in ASSIST. 6) Strengthening of public-private cooperation, collaboration and partnership, including support to strengthen the ASEAN-BAC’s role and to enhance AMSs mechanisms to engage with the private sector 7) Institutional capacity building of the ASEAN Trade Facilitation Joint Consultative Committee (ATF-JCC) 8) Supporting the ASEAN Consultative Committee on Connectivity and its coordination with the other regional bodies supporting trade facilitation 9) Supporting ASEAN legal services to implement the transposition of regional agreement at national level 10) Assistance to ASEC and AMSs in areas related to competition policy, consumers protection, linkages with global value chains and any other priority issues 11) Support to the EU-ASEAN policy dialogue on Trade Facilitation "

EUR 41000000

2018-2023 1. Improved ownership and institutional capacity to manage and implement the current EPA, as well as other trade and regional integrations agreements; 2. Consolidated the economic pillars in the fisheries and tourism sectors, in the perspective of cleaner and sustainable production and strengthen the role of high value niche sectors manufacturing as a dynamic force of low-carbon economic development and the transformation to a blue economy in Seychelles. 3. Improved trade facilitation and market access.

EUR 10000000

Seychelles Seychelles Government
2020-2023 The EU-Nepal Trade and Investment Programme. 1. Support the implementation of WTO TFA and develop action plans for implementing selected Category C measures 2. Strengthen Nepal’s National Trade and Transport Facilitation Committee (NTTFC) including its mandate, governance structure, membership and knowledge base through continuous coaching and advisory services in order to enable it to facilitate and coordinate the implementation of WTO TFA. 3. Build private sector capacity to participate in trade-related public-private dialogue and advocate for trade facilitation reforms through TFA and advocacy skills trainings as well as coaching activities to support TISIs in producing evidence-based position papers. Learning from the successes of other EU projects, a train-the-trainer approach may be used for sustainability and wide geographical outreach purposes 4. Assist the NTTFC and other stakeholders to develop a roadmap/strategy to implement WTO TFA including sequencing of measures (including short, medium, long term) and the scope of interventions (i.e. changes in laws, regulations and/or procedures) 5. Identify and support implementation of priority trade facilitation reforms based on the country roadmap and goals and private sector expressed needs for competitiveness. Priority reforms in detail will be chosen during the inception phase in consultation with relevant agencies (MoICS, Customs etc.) and other international agencies involved in Nepal in the areas of trade facilitation. 6. Enhance compliance level of coffee and pashmina businesses, especially SMEs, with export procedures 7. Develop and disseminate export trade facilitation guides in collaboration with TEPC on coffee and pashmina and two other target sectors to raise awareness on the step-by-step procedures to complete an export transaction, and include the information as an interactive module of the TEPC portal 8. Conduct training workshops (at least one for each sector) for coffee and pashmina private sector representatives to build their capacity on complying with export procedures in Nepal

EUR 5000000

Nepal International Trade Centre
2020-2023 ARISE Plus Thailand. The third component on ‘organic agriculture’ (accounts for 32% of total budget) could be considered as supporting trade facilitation, notably by the support of the certification of organic products and their alignment with EU standards.

EUR 3000000

Tailandia International Trade Centre (ITC)
2019-2023 ASEAN Regional Integration Support - Myanmar Trade-Related Technical Assistance (ARISE Plus Myanmar). "Throughout Output 3 (Trade Policy Formulation and Implementation), the ARISE Plus Myanmar project supports Myanmar’s engagements and commitments to: • The ASEAN trade-related agenda i.e. AEC Blueprint 2025, ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA); • Multilateral and WTO-related agenda i.e. WTO- Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA), Trade Policy Review (TPR), EU- Generalised scheme of preferences (GSP). "The overall objective of ARISE Plus Myanmar is inclusive and sustainable trade growth in Myanmar. The specific objective (outcome) is to increase trade diversification and integration, regionally (ASEAN) and internationally (EU and global markets) with a focus on gender inclusive market led value chains. The expected results (outputs) are: 1. Strengthened capacities of the private sector, notably MSMEs, to exploit the business opportunities offered by the ASEAN single economic space (AEC), EU and global markets, in two selected gender inclusive value chains 2. Improved Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) regulatory, control systems and quality compliance in line with ASEAN and international commitments, with a focus on selected value chains within the context of a developing harmonised National Food Safety Policy/Structure in Myanmar. 3. Strengthened trade policy formulation and implementation for meeting regional (ASEAN) and international (World Trade Organisation - WTO, EU) commitments and addressing non-tariff barriers (NTBs) along value chains.

EUR 8000000

Myanmar International Trade Centre (ITC)
2019-2022 Integrated Border Management in the Silk Routes Countries. Objective of the Action is to support the countries of the Silk Routes region in building more effective and efficient border management systems. Specific support to TF and WTO TFA; 7.4 (risk management); 8 (border agency cooperation); 10.3 (use of international standards); 12 (customs cooperation)

USD 12030000

Afganistán, Bangladesh, Pakistán Iran, Iraq International Centre for Migration Policy Development
2019-2022 TRANSPORT FACILITATION PROGRAMME II (TFPII). "To facilitate transport, trade and exchanges intra- and inter-ECOWAS community through the provision of a smooth and secure movement of persons and goods via construction and operationalisation of Joint Border Posts (JBPs) with 21st century technology. Expected results: · Operationalisation of the joint border posts (JBPs) through the completion of the works, provision of equipment and support to the service; · Planning and management of road infrastructure, improved regional corridors through the strengthening of road information systems (RIS); · More efficient transport system corridors to be established, in particular by the reduction of irregular practices, more competitive/ more efficient customs ports, and a modernised trucking industry."

EUR 27000000

ECOWAS NTU International
2018-2022 Supporting Trade Facilitation through the supply and installation of queue management software, for both human and vehicle traffic, at three border posts.

EUR 10000000

Zimbabwe Grants & Zimbabwe government
2018-2022 The EDF EPA project has a trade facilitation component aiming to support, inter alia, WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) implementation. It supports the introduction of electronic payments in international trade, trade facilitation measures such as the introduction of the EU Registered Export System, a Single Window developed in ASYCUDA WORLD to assist integrating all needed documents for import/export and creating a paperless environment, support to testing laboratories and standard operating procedures for Quality and Standards. The project provides long term assistance to the Trade Division of MFTIEP for capacity building of staff in trade negotiations, trade policy formulation, market analysis tools and statistical analysis and data exploitation.

EUR 10000000

Mauricio Mauritius government
2019-2022 Component 1: Implementation of EPA and WTO TFA trade facilitation reforms 1.1. Reinforced Ministry of Industry and Trade capacity for coordinating, monitoring and implementing obligations and commitments arising from the EPA and WTO TFA 1.2. Key Customs EPA commitments adopted and publicly available 1.3. Enhanced Government capacity to participate in trade policy decision-making discussed at the joint EU-SADC EPA states meetings 1.4. Enhanced government knowledge on the legal and institutional framework required to use EPA trade defence/safeguards articles Component 2: Improved Quality Infrastructure and services 2.1 Good governance and core quality infrastructure services at the institutional level (INNOQ) upgraded to ensure international recognition 2.2 Increased technical competences of the conformity assessment service providers (e.g. testing laboratories) and ensuring international recognition 2.3 Increased availability and quality of Business Development Services Component 3: EPA Outreach and awareness raising to various stakeholders 3.1 Improved EPA awareness within private sector, NSA, trade promotion agencies 3.2 Enhanced capacity of business associations to promote EPA trade and business opportunities 3.3 Enhanced capacity of non-state actors for EPA monitoring

EUR 6800000

Mozambique Mozambique government
2019-2022 Support to Industrialisation (Import substitution and Export diversification, with focus on green transition and decent jobs). The project aims to set up a business incubator for young entrepreneurs with a focus on processing activities; structure and support Public Private Dialogue to ease business climate and assistance for the promotion of ‘Made in Comoros’ and facilitation of standards compliance

EUR 6800000

Comoros Indirect management with Comoros and contribution agreement with international organisation
2018-2022 EU-EAC MARKUP Programme Burundi intervention under the PARTNER STATES WINDOW' (CRIS/2018/397-932).

EUR 4000000

Burundi International Trade Centre
2018-2022 Trade-Related Assistance for Afghanistan (EU TRA)- Advancing Afghan Trade. Provision of technical assistance and capacity building mainly with regard to the Ministry of Inducsty and Commerce, but also to other institutions working on trade and export competitiveness. Specific focus on WTO TFA articles: 1.2(information available through internet); 1.31.3 enquiry points and 10.3: use of international standards and more. Support to NTFC.

EUR 4586400

Afganistán International Trade Centre
2018-2022 Trade Related Assistance in Afghanistan: ''Advancing Afghan Trade'' Phase 2. Objective of this action is to improve export quality, value addition, connectivity and compliance with market requirements by female and male business. operators, particularly in selected agri-business and manufacturing sectors value chains. Specific activities with regard to TF: 1.2 (information available through internet); 1.3 enquiry points; 2.2 (consultations); 7.4 (risk management); 10.3 (use of international standards); 10.4 (single window); 11 transit.

EUR 12000000

Afganistán International Trade Centre
2018-2022 ARISE Plus - Systematic Mechanism for Safer Trade. The third component on ‘organic agriculture’ (accounts for 32% of total budget) could be considered as supporting trade facilitation, notably by the support of the certification of organic products and their alignment with EU standards.

EUR 2000000

República Democrática Popular Lao, Viet Nam International Trade Centre (ITC)
2018-2022 ARISE+ Lao PDR. Through its support to the ASEAN customs systems (ASEAN Customs Transit System or ACTS) inspired by the EU New Computerised Transit System, ARISE+ addresses many aspects of Trade Facilitation included in the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement. ARISE+ has carried out border visits to see how ACTS can be implemented and three procedural ACTS training of Customs, Government transport agencies and the private sector, and upgraded the ACTS system remotely.

EUR 5017000

Indonesia International Trade Centre
2021 Horn of Africa trade facilitation and regional economic integration. "To facilitate trade, transport and logistics between the countries in the Horn of Africa, along strategic regional corridors under development through the Horn of Africa Initiative. To establish one-stop border posts and 'Dry Ports' along regional corridors. To introduce simplified trade regime and single-window systems. To facilitate small-scale cross-border trade and infrastructure (i.e. markets). To promote an improved regulatory framework, harmonisation of standards and diagnostics on and elimination of non-tariff barriers to trade."

EUR 32000000

Djibouti, Kenya Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia AFD
2020-2021 Kenya - Safe Trade Emergency Facility. Focusing on cross border trade; making ports, borders and critical supply chains safe for trade.

EUR 5000000

Kenya Trade Mark East Africa
2020-2021 EU- Latin America Alliance for Sustainable Growth and Jobs (DCI-LA/2019/41882, continental programme under the Multiannual Indicative Programme for Latin America 2014-2020). Demand driven support for the formulation and implementation of new sustainable development policies and legislation. The support may also address other aspects of commercial policy not strictly included in the domain of Trade and Sustainable Development but necessary for the country in the context of the ongoing negotiation of the Association Agreements. Provide TA for a strengthened capacity of national and regional IP institutions and networks, in particular Mercosur, for more efficient and user-friendly IP protection and enforcement systems. COVID REORIENTATION RESPONSE/APPROVAL FAST TRACK: The LA region is expected to suffer significant decrease in economic activity as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The programme contributes to the Global EU’s external response to the COVID-19 crisis by addressing the long term recovery agenda and placing sustainable growth and jobs at the centre of it. This action will be implemented in a COVID-19 context and adapted as necessary for a successful completion.

EUR 40107000

América Latina y el Caribe Direct management component: - Grants (consortium TBD) Indirect management component: - Member State organisation (TBD) - EU specialised agency (EUIPO)
2018-2021 Dominican Republic: Programme de Coopération Binational- composante ''Développement du commerce et du secteur privé'' Together with the EUDEL in Haiti, the EU Delegation in Dominican Republic is directly responsible for the coordination of a binational programme in favour of Dominican-Haitian relations, which aims to reinforce mutually beneficial and sustainable development processes of both countries, by fostering improved relations and integration processes in key areas. The programme comprises a “Trade and Private Sector Component” (Reference CRIS EDF 2018/399-379, 2018-2022, EU contribution 5.6 million EUR implemented by CEDA). Main objectives include: 1) The promotion of a more balanced and formal binational trade between Haiti and the Dominican Republic; 2) The quality of goods produced in both countries and the competitiveness of enterprises is enhanced with special attention to three value chains (Cocoa/Chocolate); Essential Oils/Cosmetics; and Handicraft/Fashion/Accessories/Jewelry); and, 3) The institutional cooperation, between the Ministries working in trade related issues and the Customs Administrations, as well as the public-private dialogue is reinforced.

EUR 5650000

República Dominicana, Haití CEDA (Caribbean Export Development Agency)
2017-2021 Regional Caribbean: 11th EDF Regional Private Sector Development programme. "Obligations in terms of availability of information on rules and procedures/ Automation and e-services: (a) The CE Intelligence portal (https://www.ceintelligence.com) provides businesses with regional and international data on trade flows, packaging and labelling requirements, and a directory of buyers and suppliers in the Region. (b) i-guides for Carbbean countries (together with UNCTAD): The iGuide is a tool that enables potential investors to discover and have a guide on investment opportunities; get a better understanding of a country’s “doing business” environment; and know the laws and procedures that govern a country, so that they can make informed decisions on investment activities. So far i-guides have been developed for Antigua and Barbuda, Jamaica, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Saint Lucia."

This is the budget for the entire programme, not the costs associated to the specific TF actions.

EUR 24000000

Caribe Caribbean Export Development Agency (CEDA)
2019-2021 Regional Caribbean: The (EPA) and the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME) Standby Facility for Capacity Building. The standby facilities are demand driven responding to the needs of the public and private sector. The specific objective is the Effective implementation of the CSME and EPA at the national level. The main activities would be the provision of capacity building support measures, for CARIFORUM Member States, directly linked to national implementation of the CSME and EPA. this programmes builds on an ongoing programme funded under the 10th EDF, under which funds have been used to to improve customs cooperation, SPS, TBT, strengthen the capacity of Business Support Organisations in accessing export markets.

EUR 8700000

Caribe Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)
2017-2021 "Central America Regional Economic Integration" INTEC The interventions build on the achievements of the 10th EDF project. It may involve a multi-tier training approach. which will utilise platforms for general knowledge, targeted training for professionals and certification in specific areas which may include customs and trade facilitation. Capacity Building in the area of competition, public procurement, trade facilitation and customs: Strengthened national and regional institutional capacities for competition, procurement, trade facilitation and customs. 2,000,000 EUR to be decommited from this component and reallocated to 11th EDF Regional Private Sector development programme, for Private Sector Covid response.

EUR 1000000

Central America CARIFORUM Directorate
2017-2021 "Central America Regional Economic Integration" INTEC. INTEC focuses on reducing CA regional obstacles to competition and diversification, facilitating commerce, and increasing the capacity of the private sector to export goods and services. The programme is instrumental to the effective implementation of the EU-CA Association Agreement and the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement. In Nicaragua, for example, "INTEC support the trade facilitation process with studies, analysis, technology and customs investments San Pancho Crossing Border, is investing in infrastructure and equipment for trade facilitation options and reduce the time in border for international freight transport." COVID REORIENTATION REPONSE / COVID APPROVAL FAST TRACK: 2,0 M€ in alignment with SICA contingency plan, for 3 IADB projects. Reorientation focussing on flagship initiatives such as virtual business network (Red Centroamericana de Negocios). E-commerce for artesans, specific COVID impact studies for regional value chains.

EUR 20500000

Central America The Central American Secretariat of Economic Integration (SIECA); IADB; - ITC; - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Netherlands (CBI)
2021 Cuba: Experts Exchange Programme EU - Cuba II One of the main areas for TA, exchange of experiences and other activities of this Programme is TRADE (trade facilitation, trade intelligence, and others) which represent 15 to 20% of the program's funds. Key national institutions, like ProCuba, MINCEX and the Chamber of Commerce are involved in the program.

EUR 8365000

2021 Cuba: SPEED (Sinplifying Procedures for Efficiency through Electronic Documentation): Cuba Electronic Single Window for Foreigh Trade Procedure. The single window for trade is one of the Cuban commitment under the WTO TFA

EUR 1185000

2015-2021 Guatemala : Apoyo a la mejora de la competitividad y capacidad comercial de MIPYMES y Cooperativas (LA/2014/34127). This bilateral programme with Guatemala focuses on promoting quality improvement and compliance with Sanitary and Phytosanitary standards and enhancing access of existing Micro, Small and Medium sized Enterprises (MSMEs) to formal markets (local, national or international) and link to value chains. It includes grant contracts with business intermediary organisations to support MSMEs and cooperatives’ growth and job creation. Furthermore, it is working to update regulations in order to facilitate business operations (e.g. reducing costs and streamlining the process to import or export, or opening or formalizing a business). Moroever, the programme supports the Customs Authority to expedite the control process of sanitary and phitosaniatary standards and supports the Ministry of Economy's training activities on TF.

EUR 29500000

Guatemala Indirect management with the Government of Guatemala with one component (Call for proposals) directly managed by the EUDEL which resulted in 9 grant contracts being implemented by 9 business intermediary organisations and cooperatives
2016-2021 ACOM project: Trade Support Programme (022-990). Component 1: Train for Trade II (implemented by UNCTAD); One of the subcomponents of this project is fully focused on capacity building to the National Committee for Trade Facilitation (including the preparation of training material and courses fully on Portuguese)

USD 5500000

2018-2021 EU Bhutan Trade Support Programme. The EU support under this project aims to increase Bhutanese exports and facilitate export diversification in selected handicrafts and horticulture products of Bhutan. The project works closely with agriculture stakeholders as well as handicrafts agencies by helping assisting in branding indigenous Bhutanese products that will find a market outside Bhutan. The project is focussed on enhancing capacities of the Bhutanese government officials in the formulation and implementation of trade and investment policies and regulations; improving the export potential of high value organic agriculture products, that is-ginger, turmeric mushrooms; promoting export of bhutanese handicrafts in European and Asian markets.

EUR 4000000

Bhutan International Trade Centre (ITC)
2016-2021 EU-Sri Lanka Trade-Related Assistance Project. ITC is supporting the Government of Sri Lanka to prepare for implementation of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA), by providing technical support to implement specific TFA measures, as well as by strenghtening the institutional capacity of the National Trade Facilitation Committee (NTFC) to drive trade facilitation reforms in Sri Lanka. Under ER 2 of the project, focused on trade facilitation, the below activities have been implemented, or are being implemented, to support Sri Lanka to implement the TFA and make the trade facilitation ecosystem more conducive for businesses and government agencies alike. Support to strengthen the National Trade Facilitation Committee (NTFC) - Provided recommendations to the NTFC to strenghten its governance and operational mechanism to coordinate and monitor implementation of TF reforms (i.e. establishment of thematic working groups) ; - Capacity-building assistance to the NTFC to prioritize and sequence implementation of Sri Lanka's TFA commitments, including through detailed action plans as per the NTFC request; - Awareness-raising activities on the TFA, its requirements and benefits for the public sector, private sector including those in the regions; - Support to enhance the network base of the NTFC, increasing its visibility in regional TF forums (India, Indonesia) and in meetings with counterpart NTFCs in other countries (Australia); - Capacity-building assistance to the NTFC to implement an integrated risk management system, including through development of a blueprint to put in place an integrated, multi-agency risk management system in Sri Lanka; - Capacity-building assistance to the Sri Lanka Customs, in collaboration with the World Customs Organization (WCO), to carry out a new time release study (TRS) based on the training received on the methodology of the TRS; - Capacity-building assistance to the NTFC to develop project proposals to request technical/financial assistance to donors to implement selected TFA Category C measures (on-going); Support to public and private trade facilitation stakeholders to drive the national dialogues on the establishment and operations of a National Single Window (NSW) - Support to trade facilitation stakeholders to drive the national public-private dialogue concerning the establishment, governance and operations of a National Single Window in Sri Lanka through the organization of four national PPDs on i) desired functionalities of the NSW, ii) governance mechanism of the NSW, iii) operational model of the NSW and iv) implementation issues of the NSW. Support to enhance the Sri Lanka Trade Information Portal through development of a step-by-step procedures functionality - Technical and advisory support to the Department of Commerce (DoC) to develop a step-by-step functionality for the Sri Lanka Trade Information Portal (SLTIP) to make available trade-related information online as per Article 1.2 of the TFA, and awareness-raising support to enhance public and private stakeholders' buy-in and understanding of how to use the step-by-step functionality (on-going). Support provided encompassed the mapping of information, the verification and validation of export/import procedures uploaded in the online platform with border agencies and private sector representatives through online public-private meetings, and certification of procedures. Support to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Sri Lanka to comply with export procedures and requirements - Delivery of e-learning course on cross-border procedures for Sri Lankan exporters, in partnership with National Institute of Exports (NIOE); - On-site support to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to ehance their compliance level with export requirements, in partnership with the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce (CCC).

EUR 7750000

Sri Lanka International Trade Centre (ITC)
2019-2021 Targeted Support on Trade and Investment -- Papua New Guinea+4—European Union Business & Investment Conference, 2020. Specific market analysis prepared for key PNG products with potential to be exported to the EU under the EPA and organisation of a B2B event to strengthen business, trade and investment ties between PNG and the EU.

EUR 120000000

Papua Nueva Guinea TradeCom II
2019-2021 Project d'appui a la gouvernance financiere (PAGF). Financial support to Government (Customs Dept) through Agence France Développement to ease the implementation of tariff.

EUR 8000000

Comoros "EU: EUR 3 million Agence Francaise de Developpement: EUR 5 million"
2017-2021 EU TRAM – Trade Related Assistance for Mongolia (EUROPEAID/138108/DH/SER/MN). In Mongolia, the EU TRAM – Trade Related Assistance for Mongolia (2017-2021, EUR 4.5 million) is supporting the National Trade Facilitation Committee, and the Customs Administration Office who is responsible for most of Category C obligations. One Component of TRAM is fully dedicated to support Mongolia in fulfilling its Category C obligations of the WTO TFA, through training for customs officers. Manuals, guidelines, relevant European legislation were translated and published. Support is also provided for drafting amendments to the Customs Law.

EUR 4500000

Mongolia Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MNCCI)
2019-2020 West Africa Trade Facilitation Program (TFWA): "Component 1- Trade measure: Trade Facilitation Agreement implemented. The WTO TFA support structure already has multiple sources of donor and country funding to help developing countries implement the TFA, including the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the World Customs Organization, ITC, and the WTO. This subcomponent aims to complement and leverage these multiple donor options to maximize the TFA benefits for the region. During the reporting period, the TFWA program focused on understanding who is doing what in relation to the other partners working in the region, and developing a work plan in coordination with the other partners to advance the program objective of TFA ratification and notification of categories by all ECOWAS countries." Documents can be accessed here: https://tfwa.projects.ecowas.int/index.php/en/

EUR 20000000

2019-2020 COMESA - Trade Facilitation Programme: 1. Monitoring and resolution of Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs) is supported; 2. Implementation of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement is supported. 3. Coordinated Border Management (CBM) and trade facilitation along selected Corridors and border posts in the Tripartite region is supported. 4. Implementation of harmonised, science based Sanitary and Phyto-Sanitary (SPS) measures and Technical Standards is improved. 5. Trade in Services, free movement of persons and trade negotiations, trade promotions are supported.

EUR 53000000

COMESA COMESA Secretariat & procurement
2019-2020 COMESA - Small-Scale Cross Border Trade Programme: "1. Specific trade facilitation rules and instruments are designed and effectively implemented at selected border areas, so to reduce the cost and time for crossing borders by small-scale traders. 2. The extent of corruption, bribery and harassment (including gender-based violence) experienced by small-scale traders is significantly reduced at selected border areas. 3. Cross-Border Traders Associations (CBTAs) (and similar business associations) in targeted countries have their capacities reinforced in a sustainable way, so to effectively defend the interests of their members and inclusively deliver good quality support services. 4. Gender disaggregated statistical data and information on ICBT are systematically collected, compiled, harmonized and disseminated, so to increase evidence-based knowledge on the topic and inform better trade policy-making processes at national and regional level. 5. Adequate and gender sensitive border infrastructures for small-scale traders are built/upgraded at selected border areas. "

EUR 15000000

COMESA COMESA Secretariat & procurement
2019-2020 COMESA - Capacity building for regional integration: "The general objective of this programme is to enhance the capacity of the COMESA Secretariat and its member states, including the private sector, to deepen regional integration. SO: To monitor domestication and implementation of regional commitments. SO: To engage in a multi-stakeholder dialogue on regional economic integration SO: To improve the production and dissemination of harmonised gender responsive regional statistics SO: To contribute to the continuous improvement of COMESA Secretariat's capacity in procurement, financial management, audit systems and processes in line with international standards."

EUR 7000000

2019-2020 SADC - Trade facilitation programme "Result 1: Strengthened capacities for streamlining border processes and monitoring and resolving non-tariff and technical barriers to trade; Result 2: Implementation of EU-SADC EPA coordinated regionally."

EUR 15000000

2015-2020 Border Management in Central Asia - Phase 9 (BOMCA 9). Support improvement of the efficiency of procedures regarding flow of goods at borders, and thus facilitating regional and international trade

EUR 6155494

Central Asia State Border Guard of the Republic of Latvia .
2014-2020 BOMNAF II - Border Management in Northern Afghanistan II Objective of the project is to support Cross-border Security and Cooperation, by improving Integrated Border Management in northern Afghanistan. TFA support specifically on art. 7.4 (risk management); 7.6 (average release time); 8 (border agency cooperation); 11 (transit); and 12 (customs cooperation)

EUR 7580000

Afganistán, Tayikistán Turkmenistan United Nations Development Program
2017-2018 Border Integration Programme - San Pancho Border Crossing

EUR 20000000

EUR 20000000

Nicaragua European Commission DG DEVCO
2017-2018 East and Southern African (EA-SA) Transport and Transit Facilitation Programme (T2FP)

EUR 18000000

EUR 18000000

EAC, COMESA África Oriental, África Meridional European Commission DG DEVCO
2018 EAC Market access upgrade programme (notified in 2017 as Trade Related Facility)

EUR 25000000

EUR 25000000

EAC European Commission DG DEVCO
2017-2018 Small-Scale Cross Border Trade Programme

EUR 15000000

EUR 15000000

COMESA European Commission DG DEVCO
2017-2018 COMESA Trade Facilitation Programme

EUR 53000000

EUR 53000000

COMESA European Commission DG DEVCO
2014-2018 Regional Integration Support Programme 3 (RISP3)

EUR 6500000

EUR 6500000

European Commission DG DEVCO
2014-2018 Consolidation of Regional Integration Support Mechanism 2 (RISM2)

EUR 33400000

EUR 33400000

EAC, COMESA European Commission DG DEVCO
2017-2018 Regional Trade Facilitation Project for West Africa

EUR 20000000

EUR 20000000

ECOWAS European Commission DG DEVCO
2017-2018 Regional Economic Integration Project (INTEC)

EUR 20000000

EUR 20000000

Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Panamá European Commission DG DEVCO
2016-2018 Support to trade facilitation through the Customs Department of the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA)

EUR 2100500

EUR 2100500

Liberia European Commission DG DEVCO
2016-2018 Support to increase the competitiveness of trade and regional economic integration in West Africa

EUR 3000000

EUR 3000000

África Occidental European Commission DG DEVCO
2014-2018 Eastern Partnership – Integrated Border Management – Capacity Building Project



EU Eastern Partnership countries European Commission DG NEAR
2018 Support to the free movement of goods

EUR 3265580

EUR 3265580

Kosovo European Commission DG NEAR
2015-2018 Palanca Jointly Operated Border Crossing Point

EUR 4500000

EUR 4500000

Moldova, República de European Commission DG NEAR
2017-2018 Introduction of an automated intelligent video-control system at road border crossing point Novaya Huta – Novi Yarilovychi at the Belarus-Ukraine frontier

EUR 800000

EUR 800000

Belarús European Commission DG NEAR
2017-2018 Mauritius EPA Support Project for Improving the Business and Investment Climate

EUR 10000000

EUR 10000000

Mauricio European Commission DG DEVCO
2017-2018 Twinning Project ''Support to the modernisation of Customs Service of Moldova in line with AA requirements''

EUR 1000000

EUR 1000000

Moldova, República de European Commission DG NEAR
2016-2018 Zimbabwe EPA Support Project

EUR 10000000

EUR 10000000

Zimbabwe European Commission DG DEVCO
2014-2018 ACP trade capacity building programme – TradeCom II

EUR 39800000

EUR 39800000

ACP European Commission DG DEVCO
2018 Support to the improvement of MSME Competitiveness and Business Environment in Paraguay

Under approval

EUR 12000000

Paraguay European Commission DG DEVCO
2018 Support to CARIFORUM States in furthering the implementation of the Economic Partnership Agreement and in meaningfully reaping the benefits of the Agreement

Under approval

EUR 21000000

Caribe European Commission DG DEVCO
2018 EU-SADC Trade Facilitation Programme (notified in 2017 as SADC FTA & EPA)

Under approval

EUR 15000000

SADC European Commission DG DEVCO
2018 Supporting Trade and Development in Mozambique (PROMOVE)

Under approval

EUR 12000000

Mozambique European Commission DG DEVCO
2018 Boost African continental integration and EU-Africa economic integration through enhanced evidence-based policy making on trade and investment

Under approval

EUR 16500000

África European Commission DG DEVCO
2018 West Africa Competitiveness Programme

EUR 5000000

Sierra Leona European Commission DG DEVCO
2018 Enhanced Integrated Framework Phase II

EUR 10000000

EUR 10000000

2018 UNCTAD capacity building programme for NCTFs

EUR 400000

EUR 400000

ECCAS European Commission DG TRADE
2014-2018 WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement Facility (TFAF)

EUR 600000

EUR 600000

Miembros en desarrollo European Commission DG TRADE
2018 Trade Facilitation Support Programme

EUR 9600000

EUR 9600000

Miembros en desarrollo European Commission DG DEVCO
2017-2018 Programme in support of Seychelles implementation of the iEPA (SIEPA)

EUR 10000000

Seychelles European Commission DG DEVCO
2018 EU support to the Enhancement of Operational Capabilities of New Port of Baku & Free Trade Zone in Alat

EUR 997050

EUR 997050

Azerbaiyán European Commission DG NEAR
2017-2018 Eastern Partnership: Ready to Trade, an EU4business initiative

USD 6000000

EUR 6000000

EU Eastern Partnership countries European Commission DG NEAR
2015-2018 Building of three Border Crossing Points with Serbia

EUR 10987000

USD 10987000

Kosovo European Commission DG NEAR
2018 Further support to the development of Trade

EUR 998750

EUR 998750

Kosovo European Commission DG NEAR
2017-2018 Classifying goods for African trade

EUR 5000000

África European Commission DG DEVCO
2017-2018 Trade related technical assistance (ARISE Plus Vietnam)

EUR 6000000

Viet Nam European Commission DG DEVCO
2017-2018 Trade-Related technical assistance (ARISE Plus Laos) Notified in 2017 as “European trade and economic programme”

EUR 5000000

República Democrática Popular Lao European Commission DG DEVCO
2017-2018 Trade support facility (ARISE Plus Indonesia)

EUR 10000000

Indonesia European Commission DG DEVCO
2017-2018 Trade related technical assistance (ARISE Plus Cambodia)

EUR 7500000

Camboya European Commission DG DEVCO
2017-2018 Trade related technical assistance

EUR 4000000

Bhután European Commission DG DEVCO
2018 Myanmar Trade-Related Technical Assistance (ARISE Plus Myanmar)

Under approval

EUR 8000000

Myanmar European Commission DG DEVCO
2017 Support to trade facilitation in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean region

EUR 4000000

Egipto, Jordania, Marruecos, Túnez European Commission DG DEVCO
2017 Albanian Customs Administration for the EU-Integrated Tariff Management System (ITMS)

EUR 1800000

EUR 1800000

Albania European Commission DG NEAR
2017 Support to Ecuadorian MSMEs for promotion and exportation towards the European Union

EUR 4300000

EUR 4300000

Ecuador European Commission DG DEVCO
2017 Strengthening Ecuadorian MSMEs for internationalization towards the European Union

EUR 4200000

EUR 4200000

Ecuador European Commission DG DEVCO
2017 Enhanced Integrated Framework Phase II

EUR 10000000

LDC Members European Commission DG DEVCO
2017 Classifying goods for African trade

EUR 50000000

UA European Commission DG DEVCO
2017 Trade related technical assistance

EUR 9500000

Filipinas European Commission DG DEVCO
2017 Trade related technical assistance

EUR 7800000

Viet Nam European Commission DG DEVCO
2017 European trade and economic programme

EUR 5000000

República Democrática Popular Lao European Commission DG DEVCO
2017 Trade support facility

EUR 10000000

Indonesia European Commission DG DEVCO
2017 Trade Related Facility

EUR 30000000

EAC European Commission DG DEVCO
2017 Trade related technical assistance

EUR 9500000

Camboya European Commission DG DEVCO
2017 Trade related technical assistance

EUR 4000000

Bhután European Commission DG DEVCO
2017 Support to regional integration

EUR 7000000

Madagascar European Commission DG DEVCO
2017 Programme in support of Seychelles implementation of the iEPA (SIEPA)

EUR 7000000

Seychelles European Commission DG DEVCO
2017 Zimbabwe EPA Support Project

EUR 7000000

Zimbabwe European Commission DG DEVCO
2017 Mauritius EPA Support Project for Improving the Business and Investment Climate

EUR 7000000

Mauricio European Commission DG DEVCO
2017 East and Southern African (EA-SA) Transport and Transit Facilitation Programme (T2FP)

EUR 18000000

COMESA, SADC África Oriental, África Meridional European Commission DG DEVCO
2017 Secure cross-border social, economic and commercial activities in the Great Lakes region

EUR 20000000

Burundi, República Democrática del Congo, Rwanda European Commission DG DEVCO
2017 SADC Free Trade Area (FTA) & Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)

EUR 15000000

SADC European Commission DG DEVCO
2017 Small-Scale Cross Border Trade Programme

EUR 15000000

COMESA European Commission DG DEVCO
2017 COMESA Trade Facilitation Programme

EUR 53000000

EAC, COMESA European Commission DG DEVCO
2017 Regional Integration Support Programme 3 (RISP3)

EUR 20000000

Global European Commission DG DEVCO
2017 Consolidation of Regional Integration Support Mechanism 2 (RISM2)

EUR 33400000

EAC, COMESA COMESA and EAC member States
2017 Regional Trade Facilitation Project for West Africa

EUR 20000000

ECOWAS European Commission DG DEVCO
2017 Pacific Trade Enabling Project

EUR 30000000

Pacífico European Commission DG DEVCO
2017 Regional Economic Integration Project

EUR 21000000

Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Panamá European Commission DG DEVCO
2017 Economic Border Integration Programme

EUR 19000

Nicaragua European Commission DG DEVCO
2016 Technical Assistance to increase the trade cooperation between Haiti and Dominican Republic

EUR 1500000

EUR 1500000

República Dominicana, Haití European Commission DG DEVCO
2016 Support to the development of Red Bridge Border crossing point between Azerbaijan and Georgia

EUR 2128000

EUR 2128000

Azerbaiyán, Georgia European Commission DG NEAR
2016 Trade-Related Assistance for Afghanistan (EU TRA)

EUR 4550000

EUR 4550000

Afganistán European Commission DG DEVCO
2016 Technical Assistance for developing the Computerised System for the ASEAN Customs Transit System (ACTS)

EUR 3085000

EUR 3085000

Brunei Darussalam, Camboya, Indonesia, República Democrática Popular Lao, Malasia, Myanmar, Filipinas, Singapur, Tailandia, Viet Nam European Commission DG DEVCO
2016 Euro-Mediterrranean Trade and Investment Facilitation Mechanism (Euro-Med TIFM)

EUR 1565000

EUR 1565000

Argelia, Egipto, Israel, Jordania, Marruecos, Túnez, República Libanesa Palestine European Commission DG DEVCO
2016 Strengthening Pacific Integration through Trade

EUR 30000000

EUR 30000000

Pacífico European Commission DG DEVCO
2016 Technical Assistance to Trade Related Assistance Programme Phase II

EUR 1811700

EUR 1811700

Papua Nueva Guinea European Commission DG DEVCO
2016 The Trade Related Assistance and Quality Enabling Programme (TRAQUE)

EUR 15000000

EUR 15000000

Ghana European Commission DG DEVCO
2016 Contribution to the Improved Trade Statistics and Information System in Malawi

EUR 797000

EUR 797000

Malawi European Commission DG DEVCO
2016 Support to trade facilitation through the Customs Department of the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA)

EUR 2100500

EUR 2100500

Liberia European Commission DG DEVCO
2016 Support to increase the competitiveness of trade and regional economic integration in West Africa

EUR 3000000

EUR 3000000

África Occidental European Commission DG DEVCO
2016 Support to the establishment of Single Window for Export, Import and Transit procedures in the Republic of Tajikistan

EUR 1236000

EUR 1236000

Tayikistán European Commission DG NEAR
2016 Trade related technical assistance

EUR 4733733

EUR 4733733

Pakistán European Commission DG DEVCO
2016 Eastern Partnership – Integrated Border Management – Capacity Building Project

EUR 4480000

EUR 4480000

EU Eastern Partnership countries FRONTEX
2016 Support to the free movement of goods

EUR 2496720

EUR 2496720

Kosovo European Commission DG NEAR
2016 Support to the implementation of DCFTA process in Moldova

EUR 25000000

EUR 25000000

Moldova, República de European Commission DG NEAR
2016 Palanca Jointly Operated Border Crossing Point

EUR 4500000

EUR 4500000

Moldova, República de European Commission DG NEAR
2016 Introduction of an automated intelligent video-control system at road border crossing point Novaya Huta – Novi Yarilovychi at the Belarus-Ukraine frontier

EUR 800000

EUR 800000

Belarús European Commission DG NEAR
2016 Albanian Customs Administration for the EU-Integrated Tariff Management System (ITMS)

EUR 1800000

EUR 1800000

Albania European Commission DG NEAR
2016 Support to Paraguay's economic integration

EUR 7031000

EUR 7031000

Paraguay European Commission DG DEVCO
2016 Export growth support project

EUR 10333000

EUR 10333000

Bolivia, Estado Plurinacional de European Commission DG DEVCO
2016 Support to Ecuadorian MSMEs for promotion and exportation towards the European Union

EUR 4300000

EUR 4300000

Ecuador European Commission DG DEVCO
2016 Strengthening Ecuadorian MSMEs for internationalization towards the European Union

EUR 4200000

EUR 4200000

Ecuador European Commission DG DEVCO
2016 Technical Assistance to CITD - Food Safety and SPS, Technical Regulations and Standardization, and Support to Post Clearance Audit (PCA) in Customs

EUR 4795000

EUR 4795000

India European Commission DG DEVCO
2016 European Trade and Investment Support Programme (MUTRAP)

EUR 16000000

EUR 16000000

Viet Nam European Commission DG DEVCO
2016 Trade Facilitation Support Programme

EUR 9600000

EUR 9600000

Developing Members European Commission DG DEVCO
2016 UNCTAD capacity building programme for NCTFs

EUR 400000

EUR 400000

ECCAS European Commission DG TRADE
2016 WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement Facility (TFAF)

EUR 600000

EUR 600000

Developing Members European Commission DG TRADE
2016 ACP trade capacity building programme

EUR 39800000

EUR 39800000

ACP European Commission DG DEVCO

Note:  See also information available at the level of the member States of the European Union. 

About the TFA Database

The content and analytical functionalities of the WTO TFA Database are based solely on notification data submitted by Members as mandated under the Trade Facilitation Agreement.

© TFAD 2025 - version 4.